Eucharistic Adoration

Perfect union with this Divine Secret will produce in the heart of each Sister a genuine love for each other.

(From the Constitutions of Mother Mechtildis 72.3)


Our mission in the Church today

To be witnesses of God’s Love

The Holy Trinity has become a great unknown. Our life of enclosures around the Blessed Sacrament testifies that only God fully satisfies our human thirst for happiness in this life. God is the source of all love and fills us with a deep joy.

Loneliness and solidarity with all people

Living in the solitude of the monastery presupposes a deep solidarity with all people. Christ is central to monastic life. Christ is the model of the fullness and beauty of humanity.

“Through His Incarnation, He has in a certain sense united himself with every person”

Gaudium et Spes , no. 22).

In the silence of the monastery we experience the problems of all mankind in our own hearts. This confrontation is a challenge for a personal transformation in Christ. We experience how we need God to live to the fullness of his merciful love.

Eucharistic Reparation: Sharing the suffering of the Church

“The betrayal of the disciples, the unworthy reception of his Body and Blood must surely be the deepest sorrow of the Saviour, that strikes Him right in the Heart”

 (Pope Benedict XVI, Way of the Cross (2005) in the Colosseum, 9th Station)

Moeder Mechtildis was so profoundly moved by the lack of love towards Jesus in the Eucharist that she gave the Order the special charism of Eucharistic Reparation.

“Since He always stays with us, it is very true that we always stay with Him”

Mother Mechtildis, The Monastery Day, p. 65 )

She particularly desired Eucharistic Adoration during the night as this was a time of His betrayal, a time when mankind sleeps and He is forgotten. In this way, we embrace the reconciliation between God and man.

As Jesus forgives, so our Sisters must also forgive each other and bear with each others’ weaknesses.

In the act of reparation that we pray daily as a community after the Holy Mass

” In this mystery of love, Divine and Adorable Jesus, 
we worship and regard You 
as the Holy and Sacred Sacrificial Lamb 
that bears and nullifies the sins of the world”

Seeking God – All our lives is a search for God

When a newcomer comes to sign up for monastic life, one has to carefully test whether the candidate truly seeks God. 
(Rule Benedict 5,1 and 7)

Every person was created in love by God and has a natural longing for God. Their heart continues to “restlessly search” until they find God. This desire has touched and fascinated the monial (female monk) so much that she chooses to answer by dedicating her life. The way then, is Christo-centric.

We are truly looking for God when we live in solidarity with Christ. In such a life St. Benedict exhorts us “to put nothing above the love of Christ” (Rule Benedict 4.21; and 72.11).

The monastic habit that we wear is an outward sign of the commitment to Christ and a reminder to seek God alone.

Our daily life

The Holy Eucharist

The Eucharistic celebration is the highlight of our monastic day. The Eucharist is the source of our lives. We truly partake in Jesus’ own life and become built up into the body of Christ.

Herein lies our charism, to be united with Christs offer to the Father on the Cross. This us reinacted daily in the Eucharist, representing all mankind, with Christ’s offering to the Father.

With the transforming power of the Eucharist we strive to live all the daily activities, our work, personal prayer life and community life.

The Holy Eucharist bonds our community with each other in love.

In the Eucharist, let us participate in the most profound change in history: “Violence is turned into love and thus death into life”

Pope Benedict XVI in his homily at the Marienfeld at the closing celebration of the 2005 World Youth Days