Holy Mass is celebrated in Latin and Gregorian Chant. Through the liturgy of each day a sacrifice of praise is offered to the Holy Trinity. Gregorian Chant is the sacred music of the Church. The liturgy of Benedictine Order is of great significance. St Benedict has written many chapters of the Rule, specifying how to celebrate the Divine Office and speaks of the solemnity of the Office.
Our Divine Office is celebrated in Latin and Dutch. We are in complete union with Heaven and Earth when we gather for the liturgy, offering to God a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving and making intercession for the whole world.
Each day, through the liturgy, a sacrifice of praise is offered to the Holy Trinity. We share in the mystery of Christ as we sing the psalms.
Our whole being and presence is central to our worship, especially when we gather for Holy Mass and the Divine Office. Our rituals, habit and our comportment assists our interior worship.
We are present to God’s unfathomable merciful Love, as we bring ours and the needs of all mankind to His Presence. Our rituals, walking in ceremony, moving quietly, not rushing, stillness, makes us aware and attentive to the sacredness and dignity of our worship and prayer.