
Our Vocation

  • Benedict Rule requires that we seek God in all things;
  • To fall in love with Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament and never to leave His tender company;
  • Eucharistic Adorers day and night in love, praise, thanksgiving and repatriation;
  • To become another Eucharist, pure all round with no sharp corners or pointy edges, all love.
  • To Trust Him completely
  • Honouring God the Father in union with Jesus in His Eucharistic Offering;
  • Spiritual Motherhood for priests.

What does the word vocation mean? 

Dictionaries describe it as ‘a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation’ specially regarded as worthy and requiring dedication and from the old French word ‘vocacion ’  comes the implication of a ‘spiritual calling’.  But a vocation to monastic life is more than an ordinary call, it is a call from God and anyone who has felt God’s call knows that the process is anything but simple!  All mankind’s first and foremost call is from God “Be holy for I the Lord your God am holy” {Lev 19.2}.

This distinction between a call to holiness and a call to a specific vocation – single person, married life, consecrated life or ordained ministry – is important.  The universal call to holiness is rooted in our baptism, it is a call to know, love and serve the Lord, a movement that draws us toward a deeper union with God. We feel a growing desire to know and love God and to a deeper love of our neighbour created also in God’s image and likeness. We come to understand that there is a reason for our existence and there is meaning in our lives.  It is an ongoing conversion experience whereby our eyes are opening to a greater and newer awareness of God’s loving presence. It keeps inviting us to turn towards God by orientating our will with God’s will.

A willingness to do God’s will is built on two convictions. We have to believe that God loves us more than we love ourselves and that God wants our happiness more than we want it. In other words, we have to believe that God knows more than we do about what will make us truly happy. If God had given us all that we ever asked for we would be seriously unhappy. The basis of our desire to find and to do the will of God should be the belief that God’s will for us is the surest path to being truly happy, a happiness that brings the deepest true freedom.

We live out our call to be holy differently depending on which vocation we have chosen. The one who has chosen the consecrated life, their path of following Christ is through their vows of chastity, poverty and obedience. They are called to live as Christ lived; to model their lives on the life of Jesus always seeking his father’s glory in obedience, poverty and chastity.

God is holy, and ‘God is love’ {1 Jn. 1}. To be holy is to be love and this love makes us seek what is good; love makes us better persons. Each vocation challenges us to live our faith more deeply and to follow Christ more closely.

Discerning a Vocation?

Feel welcome to contact us.

Priorij Nazareth, Klooster Oude Munt
Van Wevelickhovenstraat 1

 Tel: 077-3731572

Email:  priorij.nazareth@oudemunt.nl